Combustion Ideal vs Real Operation Analysis

Combustion is a process of active oxidation of combustible compounds such as:carbon, hydrogen and sulfur.  Therefore, combustion is a chemical reaction.  High amount of heat is released during the combustion process.  Combustion has a high degree of importance in engineering.

Complete combustion at constant pressure with and without heat loss is presented.  Six different fuels (carbon, hydrogen, sulfur, coal, oil and gas) react with air as the oxidant at different stoichiometry values (stoichiometry => 1) and oxidant inlet temperature values.

Reactants and combustion products enthalpy values change with an increase in the temperature and such enthalpy values are presented in a plot where one can notice fuel higher heating value (HHV) and flame temperature definitions.  Physical properties of basic combustion reactants and products are presented in an enthalpy vs temperature plot.

The combustion technical performance at stoichiometry => 1 conditions is presented knowing the enthalpy values for combustion reactants and products, given as a function of temperature.  Combustion products composition on both weight and mole basis is given in tabular form and plotted in a few figures.  Also, flame temperature, oxidant to fuel ratio and fuel higher heating value (HHV) are presented in tabular form and plotted in a few figures.  The provided output data and plots allow one to determine the major combustion performance laws and trends.

In this course material, the student gets familiar with complete combustion of carbon, hydrogen, sulfur, coal, oil and gas, with and without heat loss, with air as the oxidant at different stoichiometry values (stoichiometry => 1) and oxidant input temperature values, physical properties of combustion reactants and products, combustion products composition on both weight and mole basis, flame temperature, oxidant to fuel ratio and higher heating value (HHV),.  As a result, basic combustion performance trends are presented.

Keywords: Combustion Ideal vs Real Operation, Combustion, stoichiometry, enthalpy

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